This is a ministry that is committed to standing for life. We believe that all human beings are a special creation made in the image of a Sovereign Loving God (Gen. 1:26). Therefore, we believe that all life is sacred whether unborn or born and because of this, we believe we have a right and duty to stand for life.

Committed To Life

What is our focus?

  • Prayer Walks – We desire to bring people together that want to stand for life by interceding for the pre-born, parents and anyone involved in abortions, through corporate prayer.

    This usually takes place near an abortion clinic to bring awareness to those attending, working or near a particular facility.

  • Visit our Beauty for Ashes ministry page here to learn more.

  • We desire to have people who wish to be involved in this area of ministry to

    stand outside abortion clinics to pray, offer biblical answers/hope and resources to those that may be

    searching or in need of help. We DO NOT go to abortion clinics to yell, argue or condemn mothers,

    fathers, clinical staff, security or anyone else that may be there. We are there to stand for life by

    demonstrating the love, grace and mercy of Christ through peaceful representation.

    Click here to learn more

  • We desire to develop a training component that equips people in how to evangelize

    friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances, etc. in the area of abortion/life. We want to teach people

    how to contend for the faith in a loving, graceful and informed way. (Jude 1:3)

  • Before birth: We desire mentors to come alongside mom and dad that may be in the valley of decision to help them make biblical choices. This would include meeting and speaking with those involved to explain what the Bible says about life and have information/resources available, so they can get help depending on situations.

What we will do:

  • After birth: We desire mentors to continue sharing what the Bible has to say about parenting and also offer information and resources that can help care for the child. To continue to demonstrating the love and support of the church body, we would like to celebrate with them by giving them a baby shower .

  • For those that have had an abortion: We desire mentors, in our healing ministry, to help by coming alongside those who may be suffering because of this decision. We want walk with them through the process, so they know abortion is not an unforgivable sin and help to

Past Bible Studies on the Sanctity of life

Contact the leader of this Ministry

Lori Cook

Teresa Denker

Beauty For Ashes

  • If you or someone you know is seeking post-abortion healing, please visit our Beauty For Ashes ministry page here.